Over the summer and through autumn, work package four analyzed the data of the healthcare professional study, for which data collection was completed in June. This study aimed to show the networks between healthcare professionals (providing care to older adults) when asking information on a new vaccine.
Input for this study came from earlier studies performed in work package four, namely, the focus group study among older adults and the interview study with healthcare professionals. We identified so called super spreaders and super receivers in each country (Italy, Hungary, France and The Netherlands), giving valuable insight in the information flows between healthcare professionals. We presented the results at the VITAL General Assembly meeting on 29-30 September in Groningen.
During this General Assembly meeting, we had a very fruitful hybrid work package meeting in which we discussed the next steps to take. One of these steps is a mapping exercise to explore the current supply of training activities, both on national (Italy, France, Hungary and The Netherlands) and international (WHO, CDC, ECDC) level. Through this mapping, we can identify to learning gaps in either content or specific professions.
For the coming period, work package four will focus on aggregating all the results gathered thus far from the different studies towards an educational framework. A very exciting period, starting with a workshop with healthcare professionals in Spring 2023.