In September, the collaboration between Syreon Institute, University Medical Hospital Groningen and GSK has kicked-off to finalise the VITALO model, a static health economic model allowing to study the disease burden, public health impact and cost-effectiveness of Adult Immunization considering especially heterogeneity of disease burden in ageing adults.
The General Assembly meeting was held in Groningen, home to a large part of the WP3 members. WP3 made use of this opportunity to discuss both the different building blocks of the broad value assessment of the prevention of infectious diseases in older adults, as well as talk about the sustainability of the project beyond VITAL.
During ISPOR Europa in Vienna, 6-9 of November, WP3 presented multiple parts of their research. PhD Thi Hao Pham presented her work on the country score tool for readiness assessment and evidence generation of immunization programmes in ageing adults in Europe (see pictures below). This work has also been submitted as a manuscript, and attracted a lot of attention of ISPOR attendees, and sparked discussions on the implementation of our newly constructed Country Score Tool. In addition, Hao presented her work on the recombinant zoster vaccine for high-risk ageing adults in the Netherlands. This cost-effectiveness analysis was combined with a value of information analysis, to guide evidence generation related to value assessment in vaccination.
PhD candidate Simon van der Schans presented his follow-up work on his oral presentation of last year on the fiscal health modelling of the COVID-19 pandemic. During this ISPOR edition, he presented in an oral presentation the work on investing in the prevention of communicable disease outbreaks: fiscal health modelling for assessing the public investment case.
PhD candidate Pim van Dorst presented a collaboration between HTA International Interest Group on Public Health and the VITAL WP3 members on the challenges and opportunities of health technology assessment in older adult immunization.