Work Package 5
Project management
WP5 continuously provides the scientific and administrative leadership for the VITAL consortium. To ensure efficient, flexible, and professional day-to-day management of the project a dedicated Management Board (MB) was established.
The Management board (MB) comprises of the Project Coordinator (UMCU/Ecraid, Marc Bonten), Deputy Coordinator (UMCG/RIVM, Debbie van Baarle), Project Leader (GSK, Jim Janimak) and Deputy Project Leaders (Sanofi, Daniel Larocque) and MB member (Radboud, Aura Timen). The management board is supported by the EC coordinator contact and Grant Manager Rachel Vijlbrief (Ecraid), Debora Dominici (GSK), Laurent Lebel (Sanofi), Adelina Prioteasa (Communications Officer, Ecraid) and Saskia Vries (Event Officer, Ecraid).