Here you’ll find the latest publications from our project.
Effectiveness of educational interventions for healthcare workers on vaccination dialogue with older adults: a systematic review
Journal title
Pre-vaccination immunotypes reveal weak and robust antibody responders to influenza vaccination
Frailty prevalence in 42 European countries by age and gender: development of the SHARE Frailty Atlas for Europe
Identification of aging-associated immunotypes and immune stability as indicators of post-vaccination immune activation
Using qualitative research to develop an elaboration of the TIDieR checklist for interventions to enhance vaccination communication: short report
Vaccines and Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2: Considerations for the Older Population
Vaccination of older adults: Influenza, pneumococcal disease, herpes zoster, COVID-19 and beyond
Exploratory Analysis of the Economically Justifiable Price of a Hypothetical RSV Vaccine for Older Adults in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom
Healthcare Workers’ Perceptions and Experiences of Communicating with People over 50 about Vaccination
European data sources for computing burden of (potential) vaccine-preventable diseases in ageing adults
Cost-Effectiveness of Quadrivalent Versus Trivalent Influenza Vaccination in the Dutch National Influenza Prevention Program
Health Economics of Vaccines: From Current Practice to Future Perspectives
Cost-Effectiveness of Pediatric Influenza Vaccination in The Netherlands
Consultations for Influenza-Like Illness in Primary Care in The Netherlands: A Regression Approach
Preventing Infectious Diseases for Healthy Ageing: The VITAL Public-Private Partnership Project
Characteristics of Effective Educational Interventions Targeting Healthcare Workers to Improve Advising about Vaccinations for Adults of 50 Years and Older
Short- and Long-term Impact of Vaccination against Cytomegalovirus: a Modeling Study
Vaccines to Prevent Infectious Diseases in the Older Population: Immunological Challenges and Future Perspectives
Exploratory Analasys of the Economically Justifiable Price of an RSV Vaccine for the Elderly in the Netherland and United Kingdom
Precision Medicine and Vaccination of Older Adults: From Reactive to Proactive (A Mini-Review)
Cost-effectiveness analysis on elderly pneumococcal vaccination in the Netherlands: Challenging the Dutch Health Council’s advice
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The VITAL project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 806776. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA.