WP5 provides overall scientific and administrative leadership for the VITAL consortium.
In the past year we have welcomed Aura Timen in the Management Board of VITAL. The key-achievements of the past year were the pre-approval of a one-year project extension until end of 2024 and the submission of our 2nd amendment including several changes to the grant agreement.
We organized a very interesting and well-attended webinar from Michelle Linterman on ‘How ageing makes Tfh cells lose their way’. The recording of this webinar is available online.
Next to these achievements WP5 Grant Management team continued the usual project management and communication activities. New and key-focus for the final part of the project is together with the WP-leads think on how to sustain VITAL data, knowledge, and network, which will result in a sustainability plan (deliverable 5.7).
We look back on a great General Assembly meeting in Antwerp and look forward to starting preparations of our final meeting in 2024.