Successful VITAL General Assembly 2019
On the 23-24 September 2019 the VITAL General Assembly meeting was held at FISABIO, Valencia, Spain with the support of our partner FISABIO.
Over 60 people participated on site, with some partners joining via teleconference. Our advisory board member Ted van Essen, the invited speaker for the meeting, presented the importance of vaccinating older adults. All work packages (WPs) presented their progress and the plans for the future. In addition, we had the pleasure to have our IMI project officer Tek-Ang Lim present, who was impressed by the progress VITAL made in such a short time. He mentioned that the outcome of VITAL is of special interest for IMI. From the WP presentations it was clear that there was a good interaction between academia and industry within and across WPs. According to our advisory board member Philippe Beutels, there is an open and forthright communication among the consortium partners.
View the photo gallery from the VITAL GA below: