The team of Work Package 4 had it’s annual meeting on 13 June which was hosted by Vaccines Europe in Brussels. After more than two years the team was able to meet face to face again! It was a fruitful meeting, looking back at what was achieved so far and discussing how to move forward.
Work package 4 has started the data collection for the questionnaire study among healthcare professionals. Numerous efforts from all the partners within the work package were and still are undertaken to recruit healthcare professionals. Data collection will continue until end of June.
There is also nice progress with the stakeholder engagement: the first webinar with stakeholders was held on March 17th, 2022. In the webinar, the aims of our work package and VITAL project in general were explained and feedback was asked on the activities. During the webinar, a Q&A session took place followed by an open discussion where participants agreed on the relevance of topics and showcased interest in getting involved in the next steps, which are
- to provide a package of materials (published data and major goals) from each Work Package of VITAL
- to ask for a reciprocal share of information of projects, relevant for adult immunization, run by the participants.